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Information about teams populates the Programs tab on the Leadership site.


The following information about teams is stored.

interface team {
id: string;
name: string;

accolades?: string[] | accolade[];
participants?: participant[];
officer?: officer;
director?: officer[];
tags?: string[];

The id field for each team can be seen when accessing their profile page as follows --><ID>. This is a uniquely auto-generated id that also serves as the document name in the teams collection on firestore.


The participants array contains an array of participants. For each participant only the id and name fields are saved. The name field is used by the leadership site to display the list of participants in a team. The id field is only used by the GraphQL API to access all the participant's properties.



The accolades feature for teams is currently disabled. This is because members have not been briefed on the existance of a such a feature. Additionally, setting up the integration & environment variables with the respective Projects, Research, and TIP slack workspaces is not complete. Furthermore, the accolades feature for teams involves fetching the participant emails from their id which is not currently implemented.

Accolades for teams works in the same way as officers. See Officer Accolades for more information.

Officer & Director

Each team document contains an officer and director[] field. Much like the participants array, only the id and name fields are saved. The name field for the officer is displayed on the leadership site. The id field for both officers and directors is only used by the GraphQL API to access all the officer's properties. The director field is saved as an array since some divisions like Projects have multiple directors.

The director information is not currently displayed anywhere on the leadership site.


The tags array contains the list of all permutations for each semester and each program that a member participated in. For example if the team was part of ACM Projects in Fall 2021 then the tags array would be as follows:

participation: ["Projects F21", "Projects", "F21"],

The information in this array is used by the filter functionality on the programs tab. This filter allows for searching for the all teams (across all semesters) for a given division, all teams (across all divisions) that were run in a given semester or for all teams for a given division in a specific semester.


To avoid having to read all documents when populating the programs tab of the leadership site, some information is aggregated into a single document. The following information is stored in the total/teams document.

interface totalTeams {
teams: participant[];
programs: string[];

Only the required fields from the participant interface is used to populate the aggregation document. This reduces the size of the document and ensures that only the information required is loaded up.

To accomodate for reading only the aggregation document vs reading all the profile information about an officer, the team interface only requires the id and name fields. The full team interface with all fields is read back when loading up the profile page. The programs tab is the list of all permutations of programs and semesters (the union of all the tags fields in the individal team documents).