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Information about hackathons and large public events populates the Events tab on the Leadership site.


The following information about teams is stored.

interface event {
id: string;
name: string;

date_start?: firestore.Timestamp | string;
date_end?: firestore.Timestamp | string;
team?: officer[];
director?: officer;
filter?: string[];

The id field for each event can be seen when accessing their profile page as follows --><ID>. This is a uniquely auto-generated id that also serves as the document name in the event_leadership collection on firestore.

The date_start and date_end fields on the document are stored as timestamps in Firestore but are converted to and used as a string in the application logic. On the frontend, only the date_start is shown if the start & end dates are the same.


The team array contains an array of officers. For each officer only the id and name fields are saved. The name field is used by the leadership site to display the list of participants in a team. The id field is used to redirect to the officer's profile page and by the GraphQL API to access all the participant's properties.


The filter array contains the list of possible tags to make searches with. For example the most commonly used filter is hackathon. The information in this array is used by the filter functionality on the events tab.


To avoid having to read all documents when populating the events tab of the leadership site, some information is aggregated into a single document. The following information is stored in the total/events_leadership document.

interface totalEvent {
events: event[];
filter: string[];

Only the required fields from the event interface is used to populate the aggregation document. This reduces the size of the document and ensures that only the information required is loaded up.

To accomodate for reading only the aggregation document vs reading all the profile information about an officer, the event interface only requires the id and name fields. The full event interface with all fields is read back when loading up the full page. The filter field is set of all possible searches which can be made.